Contract Minter
This guide explains how our contract minter allows for users to quickly mint NFTs released directly from the smart contract. This can help to save on gas and actually bypass any gas war all together.
Last updated
This guide explains how our contract minter allows for users to quickly mint NFTs released directly from the smart contract. This can help to save on gas and actually bypass any gas war all together.
Last updated
1. Get contract address
2. Click Check Etherscan Functions
to navigate to the write contract functions
on etherscan to see available functions
3. Look for the minting function and use it as function name
4. Usually, there are only 2 parameters, mint qty / and mint payable(price)
5. Enter quantity to mint on params
and enter the mint required price, if any, on mint price
6. specify gas limit on gas limit
7. specify gas price GWEI on gas price
8. click Execute
Metamask should show up with minting confirmation
Multiple Wallets:
If your metamask has multiple wallets, you can mint consecutively by confirming a transaction on 1 wallet, quickly switching to another wallet within metamask then going back to the extension (mint settings already saved upon open), then executing again. It will use the currently open wallet. Do this as many times as many wallets as you can early on a mint drop if you want.
NOTE: contracts must be source verified for the minter to work. you will know this if there are functions that will show up when you click on check etherscan functions
. since we need the ABI to be able to mint.